Discover the Five Keys to Discern God's
Voice & Direction

This Guide Shows You The Five Scripture-Based Keys I Use To Quickly Determine Whether Something Is From the Holy Spirit.

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You thought you heard from God, but you aren't sure.

When God prompts you to give someone an encouraging word or an apology, you know it is God, because it aligns with Scripture. The only thing standing in your way is pride.

Other times, you have an unclear direction that is not covered in the Bible, and you want to make sure that what you are hearing is from the Lord.

That's where this guide comes in handy.

You might be wondering, is it okay to question God? The scriptures referenced in this guide answer that question. God says to know His Word. Knowing Jesus and knowing the Word are central to hearing from God. 
In this guide you'll discover:
  • Easy to Remember: Do you struggle to remember important details in the heat of the moment? For a long time, I knew this information, but didn't use it because I couldn't remember it. So, I came up with a simple acronym to make these five keys easy to remember.
And here's the best part - no more wondering whether that direction you heard is really from the Lord. When these keys are used consistently, you will gain confidence in knowing when the Lord is speaking to you.
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